Hundreds of people get overcharged every day by credit repair companies who take advantage of them. Don't let that be you! Contact us now to get a professional diagnostics done on your credit profile for free and find out exactly what needs to happen in order for you to boost your score. Our seasoned professionals can possibly save you hundreds of thousands in credit repair costs and future interest payments. Sometimes an individual getting approved for the house or car loan can be as simple as them just acquiring a new credit card! That's free!!! Don't get scammed! Call us now to see if you fall in that category and let us help you get closer to purchasing the car or house you want now! 1-856-723-4077!
What We Do
Our professionals will do a detailed diagnostics of your credit report at no cost to you. We will analyze your FICO score from each reporting credit bureau; Experian, Transunion and Equifax. We'll inform you on what's negatively and positively affecting your score. In only 10 minutes we can give you the advice that can save you hundreds of dollars and get you closer to getting the loan, car or house your looking to purchase!
Welcome to Power Credit Services
Power Credit Services will provide the most effective solutions for personal and business credit acceleration. Our thorough understanding of credit laws and utilization of the latest technology will place our customers in a position of POWER protecting them from high interest rates while saving them thousands of dollars!
The Power Credit Pledge!
At Power Credit Services we will work in the most efficient, professional manner to get you the results and help you deserve. We guarantee we will fight for your 100% satisfaction!
Personal Credit Solutions
Credit restoration doesn't have to be complicated! It's incredibly easy to work with our team. Our proven system has helped thousands!
- Drive away in that new car!
- Get the keys to your dream home!
- Save thousands $$$ with lower interest rates!
- 4 out of 5 credit reports contain errors
- checking your credit report is your responsibility
- credit repair is 100% legal
we have 55 employees. Between managers and specialists..Clients
we have 100+ satisfied clients..Projects
We have done 250 projects around the world..Knowledge is POWER!
Don't get taken advantage of by a "shady" credit repair company or the "over priced" big name companies that just want your money! We know who the credible ones are if restoration is needed. Call our professionals first to get your credit diagnostics done and possibly save hundreds of dollars getting approved for the house or car loan you need. It only takes about 10 minutes. Contact us to get a free diagnostics of your credit report done now!